


​​​​​​​The policies (P) 和 administrative 程序 (AP) most related to the Office of Diversity 和 Equity are:



保密 – The substance 和 outcome of the investigation are to remain confidential 和 will only be shared with the accused, 原告和直接参与调查的人员.  Any violation of confidentiality of substance 和/or outcome will be subject to disciplinary action under applicable policies, 程序, 学生行为准则, 和/或集体谈判条款.

同意/两厢情愿 -意思是通过语言或动作给出清晰的交流,显示出积极的态度, knowing 和 voluntary agreement to eng年龄 in mutually agreed-upon 性 activity.  同意是自由和自愿的.  不能从沉默中推断同意, passivity or when an individual is incapacitated or otherwise prevented from giving consent as a result of impairment due to a mental or physical condition or 年龄.

No consent exists when there is a threat of force or physical or psychological violence.  虽然最初可以给予同意, it may be withdrawn at any point without regard to activity preceding the withdrawal of consent.  The voluntary nature of consent will be subject to heightened scrutiny in circumstances in which a person eng年龄s in a 性 relationship with a person over whom he or she has any power or authority within the College.

约会暴力-指某人威胁要使用的行为模式, 或者实际上使用物理, 性, 通过语言或情感上的虐待来控制约会对象.  是否存在这样的关系将由其长度来衡量, 互动的类型和频率.

歧视, is prejudicial treatment based on an individual's membership in a particular category.  受保护的阶级是种族, 信条, color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 祖先, 国籍, 婚姻或家庭伴侣或民事结合身份, 性, 怀孕, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 服兵役责任, 情感上的, 或者性取向, 非典型的细胞或血液特征, 基因信息(包括拒绝接受基因检测). 

家庭暴力 – includes asserted violent misdemeanor 和 felony offenses committed by the victim's current or former spouse, 现在或以前的同居人, 同样受到家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法影响的人, 或者其他受家庭暴力法保护的人.

性别/性别- 性别是把人划分为男性或女性. 在出生时, 婴儿的性别是根据身体特征的组合来确定的, 包括染色体, 激素, 内部生殖器官和生殖器. Gender有时与性交替使用. 性别歧视:基于一个人性别的歧视, 包括性别认同和性别刻板印象, 是一种性别歧视吗.

性取向 描述一个人持续的身体状况, 浪漫的, 对他人的情感和/或精神吸引力. 包括女同性恋, 同性恋, 双性恋(或“双性恋”)和异性恋在很多场合都受到青睐, 虽然有些人更喜欢同性恋和异性恋.

性别认同 通常被定义为一个人的内部, 作为一个男人的个人意识, 一个女人, 变性人或完全不同的性别. 联邦法律, 以及许多州和地方法律, protect both transgender 和 non-transgender people by prohibiting discrimination based on gender expression 和 gender-related identity, 外表或行为.

  • LGBTQIA is one variation of LGBT (a shorth和 way of describing a diverse community composed of 女同性恋, Gay, 双性恋, 跨性别者及其他人士).
  • 女同性恋 指被同性吸引的女性.  
  • Gay 意思是被同性吸引的男人.
  • 双性恋 意思是一个被男人和女人吸引的人, 虽然不一定在相同的比例或在同一时间.  
  • 变性人 是宽广的, 总括性术语包括, 等, 出生性别与他们的性别认同不相符者. Some transgender people alter their bodies with surgery or 激素; some do not. 有时,“性别酷儿”也被包括在跨性别者中, 它指的是有液体的人, 非线性性别认同, 还有那些既不是男人也不是女人的人, 或者两者的某种组合.
  • Q 代表“酷儿”和“质疑”.“这个群体经常把自己描述为酷儿. This word has been leveled at members of the community with hatred in the past, 但许多人重新使用了这个词. Questioning applies to people who are exploring or questioning their 性 orientation.  
  • I 是“双性人”的意思,这个词是否包含在其中存在着深刻的争议. Inter性 (sometimes called "Differences of Sex Development") is an umbrella term describing a wide range of physical conditions where the 性 or reproductive organs do not directly correlate with traditional definitions of male or female organs. 阴阳人和变性人经常被混淆,但它们并不相同.  
  • A 代表“无性恋”和"盟友."
      • 无性 人们通常不会体验到性吸引. 不要与独身相混淆, 无性恋不是一种选择, 一些无性恋的人也会搞浪漫, 非性的关系. 对于性取向的人来说,浪漫取向和性取向一样多种多样, 包括homo浪漫的ism, hetero浪漫的ism, 浪漫主义等等.
      • 盟友 那些为自己不属于的社区辩护的人, 例如, 一个支持LGBT权利的直男. 盟友们以多种方式表示支持, 包括自我教育, 教育他人,参与行动主义.
  • 泛性的 泛性恋者被所有性别的人所吸引.

骚扰  All forms of employment 和 educational 骚扰 和 discrimination based on protected categories of race, 信条, color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 祖先, 国籍, 婚姻或家庭伴侣或民事结合身份, 性, 怀孕, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 服兵役责任, 情感或性取向, 非典型的细胞或血液特征, 基因信息(包括拒绝接受基因检测) are prohibited. 

  • 性骚扰 是不受欢迎的挑逗, 性请求和其他口头请求, physical or visual conduct of a 性 nature constitute 性 骚扰 when:
    • Submission to such conduct is made a condition of employment or participating fully in the educational experience; or
    • Submission or rejection of such conduct is used as a basis for employment or educational decisions affecting the individual; or
    • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the work performance of an employee or the educational performance of a student, 或者创造或维持一个吓人的, 敌对的或攻击性的环境.

    性骚扰 may include a wide range of obvious 和/or subtle comments 和 conduct such as repeated offensive or unwelcome 性 advances; subtle or overt pressure for 性 favors; 性 jokes; verbal comments or innuendo of a 性 nature; propositions or advances; graphic commentary about an individual's body, 性 prowess or 性 deficiencies; leering, 吹口哨, 触碰, pinching or other unwelcome physical 触碰; suggestive, insulting or obscene comments or gestures; 和/or display of 性ly suggestive objects or pictures.  性骚扰包括同性之间的骚扰.

  • 其他形式的受保护分类骚扰 – 骚扰 also is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward any individual because of his or her race, 信条, color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 祖先, 国籍, 婚姻或家庭伴侣或民事结合身份, 性, 怀孕, 性别认同或表达, 残疾, 服兵役责任, 情感上的, 或者性取向, 非典型的细胞或血液特征, 基因信息(包括拒绝接受基因检测).​
  • 欺凌和网络骚扰 可包括但不限于以下内容:
    • 重复, 不受欢迎的/未经请求的接触,包括面对面的接触, 电话, 语音信息, 短信, 网上的帖子, 写博客, 电子录像和/或摄影, 电子邮件, 即时消息, 写字母, unwanted gifts; 和/or
    • 口头或书面虐待, 威胁, 骚扰, coercion or any other conduct that places another individual in reasonable fear of his or her safety through words or actions directed at that person, 或实质性地干扰工作, educational or personal environment of the individual; 和/or
    • 通过互联网进行的威胁性或持续性的攻击性通讯, 通过电子邮件, 聊天室或其他电子设备.

报复- - - - - - 任何人都不会受到报复, intimidation or discipline as a result of making a good faith complaint of 性 misconduct or 骚扰 or providing information in connection with another's complaint (政策7004认真保护员工政策7003骚扰及歧视)

性侵犯  -包括暴力和非暴力性侵犯行为.  这包括任何针对另一个人的性行为, forcibly 和/or against that person's will; or not forcibly against the person's will where the victim is incapable of giving consent.  此外,非暴力性犯罪包括乱伦和法定强奸.

跟踪  – A course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for her, 他或他人的安全或遭受情感上的痛苦.

威尼斯人注册; 坎伯兰